
Donald Trump (perhaps you have heard of him) is planning to become the official Chieftain of a Countrie.

His soul was moved by a writing that was declared at a Christian news website that complimented him
and glorified the Saviour of the world;
this is what was said ---

"Donald Trump is bold. Trump doesn't hold back. Trump doesn't care about political correctness
and sure doesn't worry about offending people. Guess what Christians??? We should approach our main issue
the same way --- telling folk about the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Just like Trump we need to proclaim the TRUTH and not be shy about it!!!"

Yup; do not be shy like Donald Trump.............

John Calvin declared,
"Faith produces confidence, which again, in its turn, produces boldness"

Faith produces confidence, which again, in its turn, produces boldness

Faith produces confidence, which again, in its turn, produces boldness

Faith produces confidence, which again, in its turn, produces boldness

Onward True Elect Christian Soldiers


Sincerely, Indeed,