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Works of Wm Robertson

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  • Works of Wm Robertson

    ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, the historian of Scotland and Charles V., was born in the manse of the parish of Borthwick, Mid Lothian, in the year 1721. His father, also named William, was at first minister of that parish, and finally of the Old Gray Friars’ church, Edinburgh; his mother was Eleanor Pitcairne, daughter of David Pitcairne, Esq. of Dreghorn. By his father, he was descended from the Robertsons of Gladney, in the county of Fife, a branch of the ancient house of Strowan.

    There are eight volumes in this series with the "History of Scotland" being the first 2 volumes. He also did the History of India and also History of America. We've carefully perused each of these volumes and believe each will provide some very interesting insights. We note for example that India is now the 5th most visiting country to Electric Scotland and has been climbing through the lists for some time now. As Britain spent a long time in India with many Scots being involved in the administration of the country and also in the army I think we'll learn a lot from this series.

    The index page for this series contains a biography of Wm Robertson which is itself an interesting account.

    We now have the first book up of the History of Scotland which you can read at