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Newsletter 5th September 2014

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  • Newsletter 5th September 2014

    For the latest news from Scotland see our ScotNews feed at:

    Electric Scotland News

    Lord Lyon has now officially distinguished between Clan Ewing and Clan MacEwen. You can find out more at

    Still having a wee break this week but as it happens I found my jigsaw puzzles again and was having some fun doing a few of them. Did you know you can decide on how hard to make them by switching from the default of 48 pieces to between 4 or 240? And you can also play around with the shapes so changing from the traditional jigsaw shape to round, polygon, birds, wavy, block, etc. You just click on the "change cut" link to see the options. See

    Have to confess I'm still having issues publishing in the new manner of editing code and then ftp'ing the files over to the site. Have been using just one program for some 17 years so a bit of a challenge.

    Electric Canadian

    Charles Fenerty
    Added a page for
    him to our Makers of Canada page as he was the inventor of Paper from Wood and thus spawned a huge industry.

    You can learn about him at

    The Flag in the Wind

    This weeks issue was compiled by Margaret Hamilton and there is no Synopsis this week.

    You can read this issue at

    Electric Scotland

    The Northern Highlands in the Nineteenth Century
    Some years ago I published the 2 volumes in this set. Well I have now found a third volume is now available and so have started to work on it.

    Added Appendix 3 which now completes this book. As I'm light on content this week I thought I'd include the full appendix for you to read here. I might add it clearly shows the role the clan chiefs played in kicking their clansmen off their lands.


    In course of looking over the volumes of the “Courier” we came on traces of a report on the condition of the Highlands in 1791, issued by the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. Through the courtesy of Mr Nisbet, W.S., secretary to the Highland Education Trust (the successor of the S.P.C.K.), we have obtained a copy of this report, and give it below. It will interest many readers as an authentic document, issued at a time when social changes were going forward in the Highlands. Although not complimentary to landlords, it does not hesitate to lay a finger on the economic side of the question. Remedies were proposed in a hopeful spirit, but we can see now that they had no chance of success.

    The origin of the Report is given as follows in the proceedings of the Society from September 1790 to November 1791. “The remote Western Highlands and Islands, of all the counties of Scotland, were the least know to the Society, and of all those to which then attention is called by their patents, had least experienced the benefit of their institution. It was resolved that the secretary should visit these distant and widely extended districts, enquire into the state of religion, literature, and industry among their inhabitants, and report to the Society such plans as should appear most likely to promote their improvement. A general outline of a tour for this purpose was agreed upon by the directors in concert with the secretary; and he was instructed to begin his journey as soon after the anniversary meeting in June as possible.”

    The secretary at the time was the Rev. Dr John Kemp, collegiate minister of Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh. He had been translated to that church from Trinity Gask in 1779, and in 1789 was elected to the office of secretary to the S.P.C.K. The notice given of him in Scott’s Fasti says—“His able and successful exertions in favour of the above-mentioned Society well merited their respect and gratitude. The tours which were continued by him for successive years were essentially useful in producing a body of information respecting their schools and missions in the highlands.” Among his publications is mentioned an Account of the Society, published in 1796. Dr Kemp died in 1805, in the 61st year of his age and the 36th of his ministry.

    Subjoined is the report: —

    Excerpt from the Report of the Directors of the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge for the year to November 1791: —

    A variety of causes have contributed to produce that rage for emigration to America, which now obtains, in many parts of the Highlands and Islands. Among these are to be numbered, it is true, the causes commonly assigned, viz., the dispeopling in great measure of large tracts of country in order to make room for sheep —the conversion of small into great farms, to the exclusion of the inferior order of tenants—the prejudice, almost invincible, which many Highland proprietors entertain against granting any leases, or leases of a sufficient length to encourage the tenant’s to improve their farms—the eagerness with which some landholders raise their rents, while they furnish neither the means nor instruction as to the manner by which the tenants may be enabled to pay them; the non-residence of the proprietors, and their total want of tenderness for, or attention to their people, in consequence of which the ancient confidence and affection subsisting between chiefs and their clans are greatly weakened, in some parts of the country totally annihilated. Add to these the claims of affection and kindred vehemently urged, by those who have already emigrated, on their friends and neighbours at home to induce them to follow their example; and the flattering, perhaps insidious, representations of agents, employed by purchasers of land in America, to engage settlers to remove to their estates; add likewise the contagion of example and the infectious spirit of wandering which often, without reason from the immediate pressure of grievances felt, seizes upon a body of people, and you have a list of the commonly assigned, and in part true causes of emigration. At the same time, an attentive and general observation of the present state of the Highlands and Islands, it is imagined, will fully warrant the assertion that the great and most universally operating cause of emigration is that in comparison of the means of subsistence which they afford, these counties are greatly overstocked with inhabitants.

    Intestine wars and feuds, by which numbers of them in former ages were cut off, have for many years been unknown. No drains for the supply of the army and navy have of late been made. Add to this that the people are prolific to an uncommon degree. Want and misery staring them in the face, prevent not, among these simple uncorrupted people, the early marriage of both sexes; and the children seldom fail to be numerous.

    The climate in these countries is generally unfriendly to the growth of corn. Rains prevail through a great part of the year; seed-time and harvest are late, and the scanty crop is with difficulty got in, seldom without injury from the weather. Oats and barley, or rather bear, both of an inferior kind, are almost the only species of grain raised in these countries. Oats at an average yield only about three, and bear about six returns. The expense of raising even these poor crops in comparison of their value is immense. From these various causes many most intelligent observers of the state of these countries are of opinion that the raising of corn ought seldom comparatively to be attempted in the Western Highlands and Islands, and that the attention of farmers ought to be confined to the improvement of their pasture lands, and the cultivation of potatoes and other green crops. Were the odious and unproductive tax upon coals to be abolished, and the malt laws so amended or explained that that essential commodity might be furnished in abundance to the people for the curing of their fish for home-consumption, their condition would be amended to an astonishing degree. But to the complete improvement of the country and the situation of its inhabitants the introduction of manufactures is Indispensably necessary. Of these they are ignorant to a degree, almost inconceivable by people who live only a hundred miles from them.

    Spinning on the wheel, the simplest branch of female industry, is in many parts of the country almost unknown. The coarse cloths used for home consumption, “both linen and woollen, are spun by the women on the distaff, chiefly while engaged in attending the cattle or in the labours of the field, a great part of the drudgery of which is performed by them while the men are either idle or engaged in fishing. Women carry seaweed to the kelp kilns and manure to the fields on their backs, and in many respects are used as beasts of burden. To almost all the arts of female industry within doors they are strangers, so that the greatest part of the winter months they spend in absolute idleness, subsist long with the rest of the families so they belong upon two meals of the coarsest fare in the 24 hours; and happy would the bulk of the people in these countries deem themselves if even, of such fare, they had twice in the day what would satisfy the demands of nature.

    The introduction of manufactures into these countries of all expedients is the best adapted for their improvement. This is a proposition too obvious to require proof or illustration. Difficulties as may be naturally supposed must attend the accomplishment of this object; but were proprietors to pay that attention to it, which its importance to their own interest as well as the happiness of their people demand, it is imagined that these difficulties would soon be found not only not unsurmountable but easy to be overcome.

    Among the causes which contributed to prevent the success of former attempts for the introduction of manufactures into the Highlands, may be reckoned the very great expense in buildings, salaries of agents, factors, etc., with which they were conducted, and their aiming at too high objects at the outset.

    To begin with the simplest principles; to make the people employed feel the immediate and full benefit of their own industry and to proceed gradually, suffering the manufacture to support itself, or nearly so, in its various progressive stages, seems to be the most probable, as it surely is the least hazardous mode of ensuring success.

    The spinning of flax, hemp, cotton, or wool is the first step towards the introduction of the manufactures best adapted to the Highlands and Islands. Different opinions are entertained as to which of them the preference is due. The argument in favour of wool, the raw material being the produce of the country, is unquestionably strong. But if inclination, convenience, or interest, should lead to a preference of any of the rest, why should not the experiment be made? Let but the spirit of the habits and profits of industry be introduced among the people, and one species of manufacture will be found by no means to interfere with another. It will rather excite an emulation favourable to all. Habits of application and industry when once formed may easily be directed into that channel which experience shall teach to be most advantageous.

    Indolence is commonly considered as the most predominant feature in the character of the Highlanders. Nothing can be a greater mistake. No people are more quick-sighted in discerning their own interest, when placed within the sphere of their observation, or more patient or persevering in its pursuit If, indeed, when but half-fed and half-clothed, their spirit broken by oppression, and they forced to labour, not for themselves or their families, but for others, their exertions are but feeble it is not to be wondered. But whenever the Highlanders enjoy the common advantages which free Britons do in other parts of the kingdom, experience and observation warrant the assertion that they are excelled by none in quickness of apprehension or alertness of execution. Their spirit and activity in the army and navy are well known and have been the subject of many eulogiums from persons of the most distinguished character. Their sobriety, regularity, and steadiness in common life are no less highly celebrated by all who have occasion to employ them as labourers or artisans in works in which use has taught them skill and dexterity.

    How much then will it be a subject of regret, if a body of people possessing such natural capacities of usefulness shall in consequence of the spirit of emigration to America, which now prevails, be for ever lost to their own country! However unconcerned many proprietors may be as to this point; however they may coldly and unfeelingly think, and declare, that whatever loss the public may sustain, emigration is of advantage to them by relieving their estates of a useless incumbrance; be they gentlemen of extensive fortune and influence more liberal and extensive in their views have manifested a laudable zeal for the prevention of so great ;an evil to their country, and the patriotic exertions of some private citizens who have of late distinguished themselves by the wise and prudent plans they have devised for this purpose will not, it is hoped, fail of success.

    The secretary was assured upon authority, which appeared to him conclusive, that since the year 1772 no less than sixteen vessels full of emigrants have sailed from the western parts of the counties of Inverness and Ross alone, containing, it is supposed, 6400 souls, and carrying with them, in specie, at least £38,400 sterling.

    Administration, it is scarcely to be doubted, will take this matter into serious consideration and adopt such measures as in a consistency with the liberties and genius of a free people, and united with the efforts of individuals and private societies may induce the inhabitants of the Highlands and Islands still to retain their wonted preference of their native country above every foreign dime.

    To introduce and give encouragement to manufactures among them it has already been stated is one of the most obvious and easy to be accomplished methods which can be followed for this purpose; and to the attainment of this object the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge will not be wanting by such measures as, upon mature investigation, shall appear to be best adapted to the end. Of these one of the simplest, as well as most congenial, to their institution and practices is the appointment of persons properly qualified to teach the first rudiments of industry and manufacture to a rude and ignorant people. But they will naturally look for, and insist upon, the countenance and co-operation of the proprietors of those estates into which these improvements are proposed to be introduced.

    All three volumes of this publication can be read at

    Enigma Machine
    Now have up puzzle 77.

    You can get to this one at

    Easter Ross
    By Alexander Polson, J.P., F.E.I.S. (1914).

    I have now completed this book by adding the final chapters...

    Personal Names
    Place Names
    The Sculptured Stones

    In the Personal Names chapter we read...

    Notwithstanding all that has been done on promoting intercommunication between this district and the rest of the country it is surprising to find how decendants of the clans originally holding possession here seem to stick to their own old homes. This is the home of the Clan Ross and out of a voters’ list (Parliamentary and Parochial) of 2,554 no fewer than 495 bear the name of Ross. After them come the Mackenzies with 218 representatives. The following table shows the ten most popular surnames with their distribution in the various Parishes.

    You can read this book at

    The Recreations of a Country Parson
    By Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd (1866).

    We have now completed this book and you can read the final chapters at

    Communion Sunday
    To which is added certain Discources from a University City by Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd (1873). This is a new book we're starting.

    I was delighted to find this book as it filled a gap in our knowledge of how communion was celebrated in the old days. Many references were made to it but never did I find a detailed account of it until now.

    Not saying many of you will necessarily want to read it but to me it's a wee gem as it's a very detailed account giving the lessons, prayers, sermons and hymns that they sang.

    You can read this book at

    Gary wrote in saying...

    "I discovered the letter symbolism of the ancient kings used in ancient art and Celtic stone carvings". And so he sent in his findings in a pdf file and this can be downloaded at

    Robert Burns Lives
    Edited by Frank Shaw

    Jean Redpath, A Memory By Kirsteen McCue

    Sadly singer Jean Redpath has passed away. I knew Jean for only a short while, like a wisp of wind blowing refreshingly through the night. I met her at one of Ross Roy’s conferences on Robert Burns in Columbia, SC a few years ago, and as I sat during her concert that evening listening to the beautiful renditions of several of Burns’ songs, I marvelled at how calmly she explained the songs before singing them. I had learned from listening to her CDs just how wonderfully she sang, and even had some friends tell me to prepare for a masterpiece. They were correct. She thrilled those in the attendance and before we knew it, the concert had concluded and we all headed to our hotels or Starbucks for coffee. Susan and I met up with Debbielee Landi and her friend Ryan, both from Furman University, who had driven down from Greenville to hear Jean’s performance. We had a fabulous time discussing the concert over dessert. Fun evenings come too infrequently, but this will always be one for the ages!

    I mourn with her friends on their loss and remember the many times her name came up during conversations I had with Ross Roy over the years. They both received honorary degrees from the University of Glasgow the same year and were great friends. I’ll always be grateful to Ross for introducing Susan and me to Jean. It is with pleasure that we welcome Kirsteen McCue to the pages of Robert Burns Lives! to better describe Jean Redpath to all of us. (8.4.14)

    You can read this article at

    And Finally...


    It is the chief glory of Scotsmen that, next to God and their parents, they love their country and their countrymen. It is their chief merit that they study, from their youth till their grey hairs, all that honours their ancestry and kindred; hence every Scotsman is a hero for the glory of Scotland, wise for the glory of Scotland, and virtuous for the glory of Scotland. And it is a distinguishing endowment of Scotsmen, that as they are familiar with their national history, so the virtues and noble deeds of past ages are ever present to their minds, and every Scot, by the influence of example, strives to become an ornament to his race! - Buchan.


    The dishes were exclusively Scottish. There was the balmy Scots kail and the hodge-podge. At the two ends of the table to begin with; and both of these was backed by a luxurious healthy looking haggis, somewhat rolled up like a hedgehog. Then there were two pairs of singed sheep heads smiling on one another at the sides, all of them surrounded by well-scraped trotters, laid at right angles, in the same way that a carpenter lays up his wood to dry; and each of these dishes was backed by jolly black and white puddings, lying in the folds of each other, beautiful, fresh. and smooth and resembling tiers of Circassian and Ethiopian young maidens in loving embraces. After these came immense rows of wild ducks, teals, and geese of various descriptions, with many other mountain birds that must be exceedingly rare; for though I have been bred in Scotland all my life, I never heard any of their names before. Among them were some called whaups, or tilliwhillies, witherty weeps, and bristlecocks. - Blackwood.


    August 18,1790. Died at London, Mr John Stalker, of the Half-moon public-house, Piccadilly. He was a native of Scotland, which he left at an early period. To a life of many oddities, he, dying, exhibited a remarkable instance of the amor patrice, which is the characteristic of his countrymen, being, by express desire, buried in a full suit of the Highland uniform, excepting the plaid, which is reserved for his wife’s winding-sheet. — Scots Mag.


    Burns procured a pair of pistols as a portion of his exciseman's outfit. They were made by Blair of Birmingham, and, in acknowledging them, the poet wrote to him - "I have tried them, and will say for them what I would not say of the bulk of mankind - they are an honour to their maker." These pistols were afterwards bequeathed to Dr Maxwell.


    A piper in Lord M'Leod's regiment, seeing the British army giving way before superior numbers, played the well-known “Cogadh-na-Sith,” which filled the Highlanders with such spirit that, immediately rallying, they cut through their enemies. For this fortunate circumstance, Sir Eyre Coote, filled with admiration, and appreciating the value of such music, presented the regiment with fifty pounds to buy a stand of pipes.

    At the battle of Quebec, in 1760, the troops were retreating in disorder, and the general complained to a field officer in Fraser’s regiment of the bad conduct of his corps. “Sir,” said the officer, with some warmth, “you did very wrong in forbidding the pipers to play.” “Let them blow in God’s name, then,” said the general; and the order being given, the pipers with alacrity sounded, on which the Gaels formed in the rear, and bravely returned to the charge.

    George Clark was piper to the 71st at the battle of Vimiera, where he was wounded in the leg by a ball as he advanced at the head of his regiment. Finding himself disabled he sat down, and putting his pipes in order, called out — “Weel, lads, I am sorry I can go nae farther wi' you, but deil hae my saul if ye sall want music,” and struck up a favourite pibroch with the utmost unconcern for anything but the delight of sending to battle his comrades with the animating sounds.

    It is a popular tradition that the enemy anxiously levelled at the pipers, aware of the power of their music; and a story is related of a piper who, at the battle of Waterloo, received a shot in the bag before he had lime to make a fair beginning, which so roused his Highland blood, that, dashing his pipes to the ground, he drew his sword and attacked the foe with the fury of a lion, until his career was stopped by death, by a ball too surely aimed.

    It is also related of the pipe-major of the 92d, that on the same occasion, he placed himself on an eminence where the shot was flying like hail, and, regardless of his danger, proudly sounded the battle air to animate his companions. And on one occasion during the Peninsular war, the same regiment came suddenly on the French army, and the intimation of their approach was so suddenly given by the pipers bursting out their “gathering,” that the enemy fled and the Highlanders pursued.

    And that's it for this week and hope you all enjoy your weekend.
